Outstanding out of hours support to make life easier for the equine vet community

Vets do a better job during the day when they haven’t been up all night seeing emergency cases. It’s an unavoidable fact. 

Equine vets work the longest hours of all vets, meaning that exhaustion and burnout are all too common. Many work an average of around 50 hours per week, with a further 35 hours on call. We believe that it’s important to look after equine vets, so that they have time to switch off their phones and minds.

Our service is designed to improve your team’s work life balance, boost morale and productivity, help with recruitment and retention, and improve quality of life.

We provide out of hours cover on a week on, week off basis, which halves the amount of work our partner practices have to do.

Our service is 100% ambulatory and our vets drive four-by-four vehicles that are equipped to deal with most emergencies. Our team has many years of experience in equine practice and are supported by board-certified specialists in equine medicine and surgery.

equine emergency vets

We collaborate closely with our partner practices to ensure seamless continuity of care for their patients and clients. Your practice will be assigned a primary vet, with a second and third vet available to provide back up if they are unavailable.

We anticipate our vets becoming an integral part of your team, so that your clients receive the same great service they are used to from you.